Data inventory for RV Prince Madog cruise PD20140628

A provisional inventory of data sets collected during RV Prince Madog cruise PD20140628 has been created in order to keep participants informed about the status of data processing. Information has been obtained from cruise reports and cruise personnel. If you have data sets to include in the inventy, or you notice any errors please contact Louise Darroch.

Data set description Source Status
SPI sediment imagesSilke KroegerData set overdue - was expected 2016-11-15
PSA data from core samplesMarija SciberrasReceived
Oxygen profilesBriony E Silburn and Silke KroegerReceived
Sediment porewater nutrientsSilke KroegerReceived
OCN/Chla/PorositySilke KroegerReceived
Bottom water nutrientsBriony E Silburn and Silke KroegerReceived
Infauna data collected using sediment coresMarija SciberrasReceived