Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry blog

Friday 27 March 2015

Docked in Southampton

Louis Byrne, British Oceanographic Data Centre, NOC

31 hours and a few minutes after the last CTD at the shelf edge the RRS Discovery docked in Southampton, and the cruise is finally over. A big thank you to all of the scientists, technicians and crew both at sea and on land that have been working so tirelessly on the Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry (SSB) project to get us this far, and who will continue to work just as hard over the coming months to complete the remaining SSB cruises.

Talking of future SSB cruises, the next one begins in only 5 days’ time and will be investigating pelagic processes in the Celtic Sea, as opposed to the benthic (sea-floor)  processes that we have been looking at in this blog. Spare a thought for Amber Annett (University of Edinburgh) who will be going on this one as well!

Malcolm Woodward

Last but not least, a big big thank you to Malcolm Woodward (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), the Chief Scientist for this cruise, whose tireless efforts have got us to the end in one piece.  Malcolm has been working none-stop over the past 26 days, planning, re-planning and re-re-planning (sometimes over the course of a single afternoon) to adapt to the various hurdles that scientific research at sea will inevitably provide, however he’s  kept a calm head throughout. 

DY021 Team photo

Well done and get some rest!

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